soc SIM Conf 2022
SIAM session at the Social Simulation Conference 2022
There was a special track on Social Identity Approach Modelling at the Social Simulation Conference 2022, 12-16.09.22, Milan, Italy (and online). The combined talks formed a nice line up of talks focusing on formalising aspects of social identity approaches with agent-based modelling. Here the overview, with the PDF of the presentations and recommend looking in the proceedings for the papers.
Track: “Social identity modelling” (Room 12)
We 14 Sept, 16.15-18.00
Peter Steiglechner, Paul E. Smaldino, Deyshawn Moser, Achim Schlüter & Agostino Merico (Jacobs University, Germany), Social identity shapes consensus formation in opinion dynamics models [pdf]
Mijke van den Hurk, Mark Dechesne & Frank Dignum (Utrecht Universiteit, The Netherlands), First step towards a new understanding of radicalisation: Modeling identity fusion [pdf]
Guillaume Deffuant & Thibaut Roubin (Université Clermont Auvergne, France), Emergence of group hierarchy [pdf]
Patrycja Antosz, Leron Shults, Ivan Puga-Gonzalez & Roger Normann (University of Groningen, The Netherlands), HUM-e emo-socio-cognitive agent architecture for representing human decision-making in the presence of fear [pdf]
Norman Johnson (Referentia Systems Inc, USA), Observations on modeling social identity: Suggestions to address the challenges of social identity [pdf]
In the “Opinion dynamics and social influence” track (Room 12), We 14 Sept, 14.15-15.45
František Kalvas, Ashwin Ramaswamy, Ashley Sanders-Jackson & Michael Slater (University of West Bohemia, Czechia), Identity causes polarization: Advancing the Hegselmann-Krause model focusing on identity groups [pdf]
For the full conference programme programme: