Social Identity Approach Modelling
As part of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) we have an open network: the Special Interest Group on Social Identity Approach Modelling. In this network we aim to bring together scholars interested in the formalisation of (parts of) the social identity approach. By enabling this network to be and meet, we hope to further the formalisation of SIA but also to enrich the quality of these formalisations by extending and constructively challenging the formal interpretations of SIA by many different minds.
Our network welcomes anyone interested in, studying or modelling SIA. We focus on organising or supporting activities to meet and going into the nitty gritty of SIA model design. Reoccurring activities will involve special tracks at the social simulation (online) conferences.
The SIAM-SIG coordinators are Nanda Wijermans (nanda.wijermans[at] and Geeske Scholz (G.Scholz[at] Write us a mail if you want to join the SIAM-SIG.
The SIAM-SIG members
Andrei Akhremenko, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Cristina Chueca del Cerro, University of Glasgow
Stephanie Dornschneider, School of Politics & International Relations (SPIRe), University College Dublin
Bruce Edmonds, Manchester Metropolitan University
Ivan Garibay, University of Central Florida
Jiaqi Ge, University of Leeds
Leonie Geyer, Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen
Gert Jan Hofstede, Wageningen University
František Kalvas, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen
Sylvie Huet, Inrae − Complex Systems Lab (LISC)
Mijke van der Hurk, Utrecht University
Christian Kammler, Umeå University
Wander Jager, University of Groningen
Norman Lee Johnson, Referentia Systems inc. & University of Winconsin-Madison
Martin Neumann, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Rocco Paolillo, University of Bremen
Bianica Pires, MITRE
Rui Prada, Universidade de Lisboa
Diogo Rato, Universidade de Lisboa
Dirk van Rooy, The Australian National University
Geeske Scholz, James Hutton Institute
Tobias Schröder, University of Applied Sciences of Postdam
Garry Sotnik, Stanford University
Natalie van der Wal, Delft University of Technology
Friederieke Wall, University of Klagenfurt
Nanda Wijermans, Stockholm University